Recovering From A Sprained Ankle

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Everyone is susceptible to suffering a sprained ankle. When the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn, it results in an ankle sprain. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and difficulty walking. Proper recovery is crucial to prevent further complications and ensure a total return to normal activities.

Tip: Rest is key

Resting your injured ankle allows the damaged ligaments to heal properly. Continuing to put weight on the sprain can worsen the injury and prolong recovery. Overusing your injured ankle may also lead to chronic instability or weakness in the joint.

To effectively rest your sprained ankle, avoid putting weight on it as much as possible. Use crutches or a walking boot if necessary to help alleviate pressure on the joint. Just because you are resting does not mean you have to lie still. In fact, gentle movements can help prevent stiffness and promote blood flow for healing.

Tip: Elevate your foot

Elevating your injured foot helps reduce swelling by encouraging blood flow back toward the heart rather than pooling at the injury site. Reducing swelling can alleviate pain and accelerate healing by allowing nutrients and oxygen-rich blood to reach damaged tissues more efficiently.

To effectively elevate your injured foot, ensure it is positioned above heart level while lying down or sitting up with support pillows behind you. Use pillows or cushions under your foot to remain elevated comfortably throughout rest periods.

Tip: Ice it up

Icing helps numb pain receptors while constricting blood vessels around the injury, reducing inflammation and swelling. This can decrease pain and discomfort, allowing you to rest more comfortably while your body heals.

After an accident, it's advisable to apply ice to the injured area every few hours. To avoid frostbite and skin irritation, wrap the ice pack in a thin cloth before use.

Tip: Physical Therapy Benefits

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in recovering from a sprained ankle by strengthening muscles and ligaments surrounding the joint while improving balance and coordination. This helps prevent reinjury, restores normal function, and enables you to return safely to your daily activities or sports involvement.

A qualified physical therapist will assist you with specific exercises tailored to your recovery needs. These may include range-of-motion exercises that help restore mobility by gently moving the joint through its full range without causing pain. Strengthening the sprained ankled will need to be done gradually, and while this can be frustrating, it is essential for avoiding further injuries.

For more information, contact a sports medicine professional near you.
